Client Stories


Tania didn't know where she would sleep or eat next. Thank you for making sure she was safe and cared for!

“My life was bad,” says 16-year-old Tania. “I was doing drugs and drinking alcohol. I hadn’t been to a dentist, regular doctor check-up, or eye doctor in years. I wasn’t going to school. I was always out and about in the streets, and going from place to place for somewhere to sleep.”

Tania was struggling with family issues, including an abusive relationship with her mother. She was sleeping wherever she could and was skinny from not having her basic needs met at home.

Thanks to you and your support, Tania was able to receive the care and encouragement she desperately needed. With the support of a caring advocate, Tania’s basic needs were finally met and she began the process of healing from her childhood trauma.

In addition to peer-counseling, Tania’s advocate provided support with housing advocacy, help acquiring a phone, food, and clothing, along with transportation and financial assistance. She also helped Tania schedule her physical, teeth cleanings and dental work. Tania even got new glasses!

“[My advocate] didn’t just say she would help me, she actually took the time to really help me,” say Tania. “She helped me go back to school because she kept encouraging and pushing me to better my life.”

Tania is no longer doing drugs or drinking and has gained some healthy weight. She is in a stable living environment and going to a new school. “I have a safe place to live with food in the fridge. I don’t have to worry about where I’ll sleep or get my next meal anymore,” she says. “[I learned] that I don’t have to live a life like my parents. And I am not what happened to me.”

Thank you for providing Tania and so many other teens like her with the safety and support they need to overcome early trauma, develop essential life skills and thrive.

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