Community Solutions partners with local schools and organizations to implement the Healthy Relationships Curriculum to increase knowledge and skills for building nonviolent relationships amongst teens and community members.
We also create protective campus environments by addressing school safety through Safe Mapping. Community Solutions works in partnership with school administration, staff, and students to collect feedback on school safety; host focus groups to identify ways to improve safety and increase connectedness; and develop actions plans to accomplish these goals.
Research indicates that:
- Different forms of violence such as youth violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, elder abuse, child abuse and neglect, and suicidal behavior are strongly linked; those who are victims of one form of violence are likely to experience other forms of violence.
- About 72% of eighth and ninth graders are “dating”.
- 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.
- 1 in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Teen dating violence is often a precursor to relationship violence in adulthood.
Evidence suggests that:
- School-based programs have the strongest evidence of effectiveness. They target a population understood to be at a stage of the life cycle when the risk of perpetrating or being a victim is high. Intervention at this stage has the potential to prevent problems in adulthood and therefore has long-term benefits.
- School settings are part of the day-to-day lives of young people, enabling programs to be delivered in a context in which the promotion of respectful, non-violent relationships can be normalized.

Healthy Relationships Curriculum
- Community Solutions’ partners with local schools and organizations to increase knowledge and skills of healthy nonviolent intimate relationships; increase comfort in talking about healthy relationships with one another; creating dialogues and identification of sexual harassment, sexual violence, bullying, human trafficking, and how to be an upstander.
- Click on the links below to see the impact we are making:

Safe Mapping: Creating Protective Environments by Addressing School Safety
- Community Solutions has completed several school assessments to help improve safety and school connectedness. We use the Shifting Boundaries curriculum, and specifically the component of building-based intervention called “Safe-Mapping”. We work in partnership with school administration, staff and students to collect feedback on school safety; host focus groups to identify ways to improve safety and increase connectedness; and develop action plans to accomplish those goals.
- Click on the links below to see reports from a sampling of past projects:
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 877-363-7238
For more information about our Healthy Relationships or Safe Mapping programs, please contact us at: