Client Stories


A safe and stable home felt impossible to Camila. Thank You for helping make her dream a reality!

53-year-old Camila had been chronically homeless for eight years. She was experiencing sleep disturbances, poor health, intrusive memories, and flashbacks that triggered feelings of deep fear and sadness. “Yo no confiaba en nadie” [“I didn’t trust anyone”], she says. All she longed for was a stable home but “parecia imposible” [“it seemed impossible”], and she didn’t know where to turn for help.

Thanks to your generosity and support, Camila was able to get the care and support she needed to find a safe and stable home and turn her life around. Through our Intensive Case Management (ICM) program Camila received housing support, therapy, medication support, case management, and independent living skills.

Camila’s determination to maintain a stable home and take care of her overall health is a testament to her resilience. She has made remarkable progress in the program and firmly believes that every day is a new opportunity to improve — a mindset that has helped her grow.

Camila’s story is one of resilience and strength. She has overcome numerous life challenges, including leaving her home country of El Salvador at a young age, being abandoned by the person who brought her to the U.S., and facing homelessness and abusive relationships. Through it all, Camila has shown that, with the right support, healing and growth are possible.

With the support of the program, Camila’s communication skills have improved and she is now advocating for herself in ways she had never done before. Though Camila is not naturally outgoing, she is now able to engage with her community in meaningful ways. She is able to stand up for herself and others and finds strength in doing so.

Camila has also learned to lower her guard and relax, even finding peace through a good night’s sleep. She is better able to manage life’s stressors and views her past as a valuable learning experience. While she still experiences moments of sadness, they are not as overwhelming as before. She now embraces her past and appreciates the present moment, saying, “Vivo una vida feliz” [“I live a happy life”].

Today, Camila feels confident in her skills and abilities. She nurtures relationships and has even embraced new passions, such as pottery. Reflecting on her journey, Camila expressed that the most valuable aspect of this program has been the sense of support and understanding she’s received.

Thank you for making such a difference for Camila and for so many other homeless adults and families in our community. What a gift!

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