Communities In Action


In the past five years, Community Solutions has worked with teams of youth and adult community members to develop community-led initiatives to prevent domestic and sexual violence from happening in our community. Using the “Close to Home” approach, Community Solutions helped to train, support, and guide our youth and adult leaders as they completed community assessments, talked with fellow community members, and built campaigns directed at areas of need specific to their community.

Scroll down for more information on each of the campaigns.

Everyone United for Change

      • The Hollister Innovators 2021 Campaign, “Everyone United for a Change to Create a Safer Hollister,” focused on creating a safer Hollister by standing up against judgement, bias and stereotypes.


#CareWeek: Become Aware, Show You Care

      • The Hollister Innovator 2023 Campaign, “#CareWeek: Become Aware, Show you Care,” focused on bringing awareness to mental health by promoting, understanding, and supporting mental health. Being aware of mental health disorders helps break the stigma around them and encourages anyone to seek support.


With Communication, there's more Connection

      • The Gilroy Innovator 2023 Campaign. “With Communication, there’s more Connection,” focused on promoting conversations to talk about healthy relationships. Many of our community members have shared that talking about relationships can be hard because they may feel embarrassed, scared, or unsure about how others may respond. But we also know that most of our community members seek their friends and family first to get support or advice. Feeling connected to family, schools, and community can help reduce violence and improve mental health. Let’s start the conversation!


Shatter the Silence, End the Violence!

      • The Gilroy Innovator 2021-2022 Campaign, “Shatter the Silence, End the Violence,” focused on building awareness and conversations around healthy relationships in our communities. Many people in our community are unaware of what actions to take when their loved one experiences sexual assault or domestic violence. yet most individuals would go to a friend or family member first in the event of sexual assault or domestic violence. This campaign provided tools to community members on ways to start the conversation.


If you have any questions about our Communities in Action projects or Prevention Services offerings, please contact us at:

At Community Solutions I met some wonderful women who helped me with my fears and helped me understand that I did not deserve to be abused by anyone.

Luz, age 50, Solutions to Violence