Community Solutions Learning

Opportunities for Personal and Professional Development

At Community Solutions, we’ve learned a lot over the years—and we want to share our experience and expertise with YOU!

Education and training are critical to making a lasting impact for change. Our CS Learning Pathways help equip individuals and organizations with the skills they need to help improve the overall health and wellness of our community at large.

CS Learning includes a variety of certification programs, online learning materials, and in-person events. All of these programs provide development opportunities that are community-based and nurture inclusion, empathy, and resilience. We welcome you to join us!

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CS Learning Pathways

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CS Learning Podcasts: Pathways to Resilience

In this first episode, we talk with Guryan Tighe. Guryan is a Fear Technician who talks with us about the power of unlocking our fears to access our purpose.

Melissa Santos

Pathways to Resilience by Community Solutions
Pathways to Resilience by Community Solutions
Pathways to Resilience: Episode 1 - Accessing Fear

In this first episode, we talk with Guryan Tighe. Guryan is a Fear Technician who talks with us about the power of unlocking our fears to access our purpose.

CS Learning Blogs

August 2021

Pathways to Resilience: Learning to Trust Again—Even Yourself

Survivors of domestic violence are often left feeling a loss of a sense of self —less in charge of their life, less sure where they stand, even less able to trust their own instincts. As a longtime social work professional, Melissa Santos was well aware of the effects of trauma, but when intimate partner abuse came into her life, she found herself struggling. Community Solutions’ Adriana Marquez, host of the Solutions to Violence Community Corner, spoke with Melissa about her journey to reconnect with her inner strength and spirit.

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July 2021

Pathways to Resilience: Healing in Community with One Another

Jeff Jacobs knew something was wrong when a routine sprained ankle triggered symptoms of a heart attack. He’d known for years that he lived with a generalized anxiety disorder, but as a senior human resources professional, he’d built his career on sweating details, pushing himself to do better, and caring about others’ needs more than his own. It took a fall down the stairs—and an ambulance ride to the ER—to realize that his own struggle mattered too.

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CS Learning provides mission-driven learning for our colleagues and community that create opportunities for transformational growth and development.

testimonial image

“"[I enjoyed] the handouts, power point presentation, facilitator's delivery of the information, facilitator's cultural competence and how well he incorporated cultural considerations into the training, and all the resources that were provided.”

RU Health, CBT: A Clinical Perspective, April 2023

“The speaker made everyone feel safe and encouraged communication. She shared her own experiences and asked others to share theirs.”

DFCS, Recognizing Our Implicit Bias, October 2023

“I really appreciated that there were many opportunities during the training for us to participate, either in front of the group or in pairs, which I think really helped to engage with the subject material as well as give an idea of what it would look like in practice.”

CS Staff, Mental Health Assessment, December 2023

“I loved that he used the assessment that our County actually uses to do the training so the information felt EXTREMLY relevant. I also was grateful for the resources that he offered on top of the powerpoint.”

RU Health, Mental Health Assessment, April 2023

“I liked the pauses we had to reflect, the videos that were used, and bringing a speaker to talk about FASD and the work she's doing on the back end to bring further awareness.”

The Keys to Understanding FASD, April 2023

“One thing that I liked about this training was that we were able to practice and role model in the sessions as facilitators and as participants. Something else that I liked was the the facilitators were very welcoming and made me feel comfortable discussing the different topics.”

CF! Training of the Trainer, December 2023

At Community Solutions I met some wonderful women who helped me with my fears and helped me understand that I did not deserve to be abused by anyone.

Luz, age 50, Solutions to Violence

[Community Solutions] helped me with my problems and were there when I was having hard times. They have helped my family with a place to live and helped us pay some bills and buy some food when we needed it.

Serena, age 15, Child & Youth Behavioral Health

I cannot describe very well but all I know is that each day is getting better. Your program helps.

Jin, age 62, Adult Behavioral Health

Thanks to the program, I left the ugly house I was living in that had two small windows for the 8 of us, dirt floors, broken windows, no door, and the toilet always clogging. Now my children and I have a nice apartment where we have more space, privacy, and carpet where we can be barefoot.

Teresa, age 38, Solutions to Violence Supportive Housing Program