August 2021
Pathways to Resilience: Learning to Trust Again—Even Yourself
Survivors of domestic violence are often left feeling a loss of a sense of self —less in charge of their life, less sure where they stand, even less able to trust their own instincts. As a longtime social work professional, Melissa Santos was well aware of the effects of trauma, but when intimate partner abuse came into her life, she found herself struggling. Community Solutions’ Adriana Marquez, host of the Solutions to Violence Community Corner, spoke with Melissa about her journey to reconnect with her inner strength and spirit.
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July 2021
Pathways to Resilience: Healing in Community with One Another
Jeff Jacobs knew something was wrong when a routine sprained ankle triggered symptoms of a heart attack. He’d known for years that he lived with a generalized anxiety disorder, but as a senior human resources professional, he’d built his career on sweating details, pushing himself to do better, and caring about others’ needs more than his own. It took a fall down the stairs—and an ambulance ride to the ER—to realize that his own struggle mattered too.
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June 2021
Pathways to Resilience: HR Leader Finds Compassion for Self by Sharing Compassion with Others
Jeff Jacobs knew something was wrong when a routine sprained ankle triggered symptoms of a heart attack. He’d known for years that he lived with a generalized anxiety disorder, but as a senior human resources professional, he’d built his career on sweating details, pushing himself to do better, and caring about others’ needs more than his own. It took a fall down the stairs—and an ambulance ride to the ER—to realize that his own struggle mattered too.
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