Solutions to Violence Internship Opportunities
Support Services for Survivors:
Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Abuse Services Internship
Program Overview:
This program serves adult and/or child survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner abuse. This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Safety Planning, Danger Assessment, Crisis Intervention, Confidential Shelter, Case Management, Goal Planning, Counseling (Individual, Group, & Family), Assistance to obtain TROs (Temporary Restraining Orders), Legal Advocacy, Accompaniment to Medical, Legal, and/or Court Appointments, Advocacy, Referral and Linkage to Additional Services and Resources, Community Prevention Education & Training.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Case Management, Peer Counseling, Advocacy, Court Accompaniment, Job Search, Referral & Linkage to Additional Services.
Medi-Cal insurance is required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted from individuals (self-referral), law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services (800-704-0900), Santa Clara County Courts, the Santa Clara County Probation Department, social services, schools, and other service providers.
Program Manager:
Aida Zaldivar, aida.zaldivar@communitysolutions.org.
Sexual Assault Services Internship
Program Overview:
This program serves adult and/or child survivors of sexual assault. This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Counseling (Individual, Group, and/or Family), Advocacy, Accompaniment to Medical, Legal, and/or Court Appointments, Referral and Linkage to Additional Resources and Services, Community Prevention Education & Training.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Case Management, Peer Counseling, Advocacy, Court Accompaniment, Job Search, Referral & Linkage to Additional Services.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted from individuals (self-referral), law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services (800-704-0900), Santa Clara County Courts, the Santa Clara County Probation Department, social services, schools, and other service providers.
Program Manager:
Lidia Alcala-Brambila, Lidia.Alcala-Brambila@communitysolutions.org
Anti-Human Trafficking Services Internship
Program Overview:
This program serves sex trafficking survivors ages 25 years or older and labor trafficking survivors of any age. Survivors of sex trafficking age 24 and under receive services through our CSEC program. This program increases safety for survivors, assists survivors in regaining strength, hope, and control in their lives.
This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Safety Planning, Confidential Shelter, Goal Planning, Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Counseling (Individual, Group, and/or Family), Advocacy, Accompaniment to Medical, Legal, and/or Court Appointments, Referral and Linkage to Additional Resources and Services, Community Prevention Education & Training.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Case Management, Peer Counseling, Advocacy, Court Accompaniment, Job Search, Referral & Linkage to Additional Services.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted from individuals (self-referral), law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services (800-704-0900), Santa Clara County Courts, the Santa Clara County Probation Department, social services, schools, and other service providers.
Program Manager:
Kim Gutierrez, kim.gutierrez@communitysolutions.org.
Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Internship
Program Overview:
This program provides advocacy services for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation under age 25, assisting survivors in regaining safety, strength, hope and control in their life, and identify and access community resources/support systems through their healing process. This program helps raise awareness over the system challenges within the criminal justice and legal systems.
This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Safety Planning, Confidential Shelter, Goal Planning, Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Counseling (Individual, Group, and/or Family), Advocacy, Accompaniment to Medical, Legal, and/or Court Appointments, Referral and Linkage to Additional Resources and Services, Community Prevention Education & Training.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Youth Drop–in Center, Support School-based Prevention Programs, Mentorship and Development through our Innovator programs, Peer Counseling.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted from individuals (self-referral), law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services (800-704-0900), Santa Clara County Courts, the Santa Clara County Probation Department, social services, schools, and other service providers.
Program Manager:
Kim Gutierrez, kim.gutierrez@communitysolutions.org.
South County Family Justice Center Internship
Program Overview:
This program serves survivors of crime (and their families) including: domestic violence/intimate partner abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse.
This is a joint program of the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, Community Solutions, Gilroy Police Department, Morgan Hill Police Department, Santa Clara County Sheriff, Santa Clara County Probation, Victim/Witness Assistance Program, and Step Forward Foundation
This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Advocacy, Counseling Services, Legal Services, Immigration, and Family Law, Personal Contact with Police Investigators, the District Attorney’s office, and Probation Officers, Referrals to 24–hour emergency shelter and other emergency housing, referrals and linkage to additional services and resources.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Interns support crisis intervention services by working at the Family Justice Center and Supporting survivors of all gender-based violence.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Self-referrals are accepted as walk-ins during the program hours.
Program Manager:
Erica Elliot, erica.elliot@communitysolutions.org.
La Isla Pacifica Confidential Shelter Internship
Program Overview:
This program provides safety and advocacy for adult survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner abuse or human trafficking and their minor children. This is a voluntary program. All services provided are confidential.
Services Provided Include:
Safety Planning, Confidential Shelter, Goal Planning, Crisis Intervention, Case Management, Counseling (Individual, Group, and/or Family), Advocacy, Accompaniment to Medical, Legal, and/or Court Appointments, Referral and Linkage to Additional Resources and Services, Community Prevention Education & Training.
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Accompaniment to Medical Procedures, Interviews with Law Enforcement, Court Accompaniment & Advocacy, Individualized Safety and Goal Planning, Danger Assessment.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted from individuals (self-referral), law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney’s Office, Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services (800-704-0900), Santa Clara County Courts, the Santa Clara County Probation Department, social services, schools, and other service providers.
Program Manager:
Mayra Vazquez, Mayra.Vazqez@communitysolutions.org.
STV Supportive Housing Program Internship
Program Overview:
This program provides survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, and their families regain the necessary tools to achieve success in securing permanent housing
Services Provided Include:
Life skills development, advocacy, peer counseling, safety planning, job skills education and training, financial education and money management, connection to credit repair resource, legal assistance, connection to community resources, rental assistance to obtain and maintain permanent, safe, decent housing, housing search assistance and information, advocacy assistance in obtaining housing, access to housing resources, assistance in completing housing applications, work in partnership with case manager on individual goal planning, adhere to program agreement guidelines
Primary Languages:
English, Spanish.
Common Diagnoses:
Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Anxiety.
Intern Duties Include:
Focus in various housing programs including at our confidential domestic violence shelter and helping ensure clients are housed through our scattered site programs.
There are no fees or insurance required to participate in this program.
Referrals are accepted internally for open clients with domestic violence victimization.
Program Manager:
Mayra Vazquez, Mayra.Vazquez@communitysolutions.org